domingo, 25 de dezembro de 2011

Christmas Vocabulary ( in English).

Christmas Vocabulary


the arrival of someone or something important
Adventthe coming (or second coming) of Jesus Christ; the month leading up to Christmas
angela spiritual being acting as a messenger of God (usually shown as a human being with wings)
berrya small round fruit
Bethlehemthe small town in the Middle East believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ
candlea cylinder of wax with a central wick (like string) which burns to produce light
chimneya vertical pipe in a house that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace (Father Christmas traditionally enters a house through its chimney)
Christthe title of Jesus (also used as His name)
Christiana person who believes in Christianity; also an adjective
Christianitythe religion based on the teachings and person of Jesus Christ
Christmasthe annual Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas Day is on 25 December)
Christmas cakea rich fruit cake covered with white icing, eaten at Christmas
Christmas carda greetings card that people send to friends and family at Christmas
Christmas carola religious song or popular hymn that people sing at Christmas
Christmas Day25 December, the birthday of Jesus Christ
Christmas Evethe evening or day before Christmas Day (24 December)
Christmas holidaysthe holiday period for about a week before and after Christmas Day
Christmas presenta gift or present given at Christmas
Christmas treean evergreen tree (often a spruce) that people decorate with lights and ornaments at Christmas
crackera decorated paper tube that makes a sharp noise ("crack!") and releases a small toy when two people pull it apart
decorationsomething that adds beauty; ornament
egg-noga traditional Christmas drink made of alcohol with beaten eggs and milk
Father Christmasan imaginary being who brings presents for children on the night before Christmas Day (also known as Santa Claus) - traditionally an old man with a red suit and white beard
fireplacea partly enclosed space in a house where people light a fire for warmth
frankincensea gum used for incense, one of the gifts that the three wise men gave to Jesus
golda yellow precious metal, one of the gifts that the three wise men gave to Jesus
hollyan evergreen plant with prickly dark green leaves and red berries
Jesusthe name of Christ, the central figure of Christianity (believed by Christians to be the Son of God)
Josephthe husband of Mary (the mother of Jesus)
magithe wise men from the East who brought gifts for the baby Jesus
mangera trough for food for horses or cattle (used by Mary as a cradle or bed for Jesus)
Marythe mother of Jesus
mistletoea parasitic plant with white berries, traditionally used as a Christmas decoration
myrrha gum used for perfume or incense, one of the gifts that the three wise men gave to Jesus
nativitythe birth of a person
the Nativitythe birth of Jesus Christ
nativity playa play that people perform at Christmas based on the birth of Jesus
new yearthe start of a year; the period just before and after 1 January
New Year's Day1 January
New Year's Eve31 December
ornamentan object that adds beauty to something; a decoration
presenta thing given to somebody as a gift.
reindeera deer with large antlers found in some cold climates (believed to pull the sleigh for Santa Claus or Father Christmas)
Santa Clausan imaginary being who brings presents for children on the night before Christmas Day (also known as Father Christmas) - traditionally an old man with a red suit and white beard (Santa Claus may be based in part on the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.)
shepherda person who looks after sheep
sleigha sledge or light cart on runners pulled by horses or reindeer over snow and ice
snowwater vapour from the sky that falls as white flakes and covers the ground
stara bright point in the night sky which is a large, distant incandescent body like the sun
the star of Bethlehemthe star that announced the birth of Jesus and guided the wise men to find Him
tinsela decoration consisting of thin strips of shiny metal foil, traditionally used at Christmas
turkeya bird like a large chicken, traditionally eaten at Christmas
white Christmasa Christmas with snow on the ground
Xmasabbreviation or informal term for Christmas

Christmas Expressions

  • Merry Christmas!
  • Happy Christmas
  • Happy New Year!
  • Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Wishing you a prosperous New Year
  • All the best for the coming year
  • Seasons Greetings!

Vocabulário de Natal

1. Christmas tree: Árvore de natal.
Ex: There was a beautiful Christmas tree in the living room. (Tinha uma bonita árvore de natal na sala.)
2. Christmas ornaments: Decorações de natal.
Ex: They’re going to get the Christmas ornaments. (Elas vão buscar as decorações de natal.)
3. Nativity scene: Presépio.
Ex: The Nativity scene is part of the celebrations. (O Presépio faz parte das celebrações.)
4. Father christmas/Santa Claus: Papai noel.
Ex: Children often dream about Santa Claus. (As crianças muitas vezes sonham com o papai noel.)
5. Sleigh: Trenó
Ex: They saw a sleigh on tv. (Eles viram um trenó na tv.)
6. Turkey: Peru
Ex: She said she’s never eaten turkey. (Ela disse que nunca comeu peru.)
7. The star of Bethlehem: A estrela de Belém.
Ex: They’re talking about the star of Bethlehem. (Estão falando da estrela de Belém.)
8. Fireplace: Lareira
Ex: There was a fireplace in their house. (Havia uma lareira na casa deles.)
9. Christmas carol: Cântico natalino
Ex: It reminds me of that Christmas carol. (Isto me faz lembrar daquele cântico natalino.)
10. Merry Christmas/happy christmas: Feliz natal
Ex: Merry christmas! (Feliz natal!)
11. Xmas: Natal. (Abreviação de Christmas.)
12. Christmas gift: Presente de natal.
Ex: They got a Christmas gift.(Eles ganharam um presente de Natal.)
13. Christmas Eve: Véspera de Natal.
Ex: They made it up on Christmas Eve. (Fizeram as pazes na Véspera do Natal.)

terça-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2011


Os verbos modais são verbos distintos dos outros, pois possuem características próprias, como:
  1. Não precisam de auxiliares;
  2. Sempre após os modais, o verbo deve vir no infinitivo, só que sem o “to”;
  3. Não sofrem alteração nas terceiras pessoas do singular no presente. Logo, eles nunca recebem “s”, “es” ou “ies”.
São verbos modais: can (pode), could (poderia), may (pode, poderia), might(pode, poderia), should (deveria), must (deve), ought to (precisa) e used to(costumava).
Can: pode ser usado para expressar permissão, habilidade.
Can I drink water? (Posso beber água?).
I can speak English. (Eu posso falar inglês).
Could: é empregado para expressar habilidade, só que no passado. É usado também com o sentindo de poderia, em um contexto mais formal.
I could ride a bike when I was 5 years old. (Eu podia/conseguia andar de bicicleta quando tinha 5 anos de idade).
Could you bring me a sandwich and a coke, please? (Você poderia me trazer um sanduíche e uma coca, por favor?).
May: é usado para expressar uma possibilidade no presente ou no futuro. Também pode ser usado para pedir permissão, no entanto, may é usado em contextos mais formais que o can.
It may rain tomorrow. (Pode chover amanhã).
May I go to the bathroom? (Eu poderia ir ao banheiro?).
Might: é usado para expressar possibilidades no passado ou no presente.
She might have come to the party. (Ela poderia ter vindo à festa).
He might have lunch with us tomorrow. (Ele pode vir almoçar com a gente amanhã).
Should e ought to: é usado para expressar um conselho.
You should go to the doctor. (Você deveria ir ao médico).
You ought to quit smoking. (Você deveria parar de fumar).
Must: é usado para expressar obrigação.
You must go to school. (Você deve ir à escola).
She must study more. (Ela deve estudar mais).
Used to: é empregado para expressar um hábito do passado.
I used to watch cartoons when I was a child. (Eu costumava assistir desenhos quando era criança).
She used to play on the street when she was 8 years old. (Ela costumava brincar na rua quando tinha 8 anos de idade).

Como utilizar preposições em inglês? Regras simples.

Em inglês, temos, dentre outras, as seguintes preposições: “at”, “on”, “in”, cujo emprego pode ser utilizado, via de regra:

Em se tratando de LUGAR, regra geral, “on” significa “sobre”, “in” quer dizer “dentro” e “at” acaba sendo aplicado para os demais casos.

Ex1: The book is on the table

(O livro está sobre a mesa)

The book is in the box

(O livro está dentro da caixa)

You can find the book at the library

(Você pode achar o livro na biblioteca)

The sign is at the door

(O aviso está na porta)

Alice is at home 

(Alice está em casa)

Em se tratando de TEMPO, regra geral, “on” é utilizado para dias e datas, “in” para períodos (de meses, anos, etc.) e “at” para horas.

Ex2: See you on Monday

(Te vejo na segunda) 

Sheila will be back on your birthday

(Sheila estará de volta no seu aniversário)

Life was better in the 70’s

(A vida era melhor nos anos setenta)

Rita will buy a car in a couple of months

(Rita comprará um carro em dois meses)

Paul is arriving at nine o’clock

(Paul está chegando às nove horas)

Luch will be served at noon

(O almoço será servido ao meio-dia)

See you at night

(Te vejo à noite)

To e For 

Preposições são palavras de significado pouco claro e muito variável. São mais partículas funcionais do que palavras de conteúdo semântico definido. A maioria das ocorrências de preposições, não segue um padrão lógico ou regular. Além disso, entre o português e o inglês, as preposições não apresentam uma correlação muito estreita. Cobrem normalmente diferentes áreas de significado, sendo umas de uso mais amplo que outras.

É particularmente notória a dificuldade para nós, brasileiros, quando temos que decidir qual preposição usar em inglês, to ou for, quando em português a idéia seria expressa através da preposição para. Em geral, pode-se dizer que to está ligado à idéia de direção, movimento, correspondendo muitas vezes também à preposição a do português; enquanto que for está relacionado com a idéia de substituição, intenção ou predestinação, correspondendo, às vezes, ao português por. Esta diferença de significado, entretanto, não é sempre clara. Mesmo assim, for e to raramente podem ser usados como sinônimos.

Freqüentemente to e for introduzem o objeto indireto e é neste caso que as duas preposições normalmente correspondem ao português para. Objeto indireto em inglês é sempre um nome ou pronome que precede ou sucede o objeto direto nos verbos bitransitivos. Quando posicionado antes do objeto direto, não vem acompanhado de preposição. Quando posicionado após o objeto direto, virá invariavelmente acompanhado da preposição to ou for. Neste caso, a preposição certa dependerá do verbo, não havendo regra para isso. Observe os seguintes exemplos:

TO VERBS     /       FOR VERBS 
I gave a present to him. = I gave him a present.
I'll show the figures to you. = I'll show you the figures.
He sold a car to me. = He sold me a car.
He sent a letter to Mary. = He sent Mary a letter.
Can you lend this book to me? = Can you lend me this book?
The boss told a joke to us. = The boss told us a joke.
Who teaches English to them? = Who teaches them English?
I paid $10 to the repairman. = I paid the repairman $10.
Will you pass the sugar to me? = Will you pass me the sugar?
Read a story to the children. = Read the children a story.
I wrote a letter to my friend. = I wrote my friend a letter.
Hand that book to me, please. = Hand me that book, please.
He offered a job to Mary. = He offered Mary a job.
He'll bring something to me. = He'll bring me something.
She sang a lullaby to the baby. = She sang the baby a lullaby.
I'll throw the ball to you. = I'll throw you the ball. Let me buy a present for you. = Let me buy you a present.
I got some food for you. = I got you some food.
She made a sandwich for me. = She made me a sandwich.
Did she cook dinner for you? = Did she cook you dinner?
Can you do a favor for me? = Can you do me a favor?
He can find a job for you. = He can find you a job.
He left a message for you. = He left you a message.
Shall I pour more tea for you? = Shall I pour you more tea?
Reserve hotel rooms for us. = Reserve us hotel rooms.
Save the stamps for him. = Save him the stamps. 

Existem também verbos que só aceitam o objeto indireto quando acompanhado de preposição. Exemplos:

The teacher said "Good morning" to the students.
He's going to introduce Mary to his family.
I already explained the project to the staff.
Mr. Cole described the new house to his wife.
I sometimes speak English to (with) my wife.
Bob reported the accident to the police.
I repeated your ideas to my parents.
He admitted his mistake to the boss.
I'll mention your plan to the director.
Dr. Bishop recommends this medicine to some patients.
Richard has announced his engagement to his friends.
It sounds good to me.
The salesgirl suggested a gift to Philip. Can you carry the suitcases for me?
Could you open the door for me?
He asked the bank teller to cash a check for him.
Doctors like to prescribe medicine for the patients.
She is going to prepare the meal for the guests.
I asked her to sign the letter for me.
Can you hold this for me, please?
I changed the traveler's checks for you.
I asked the secretary to make an appointment for me.
He translated an article for me.
I recorded a tape for you.
I'll take the car to the mechanic for you.
The salesgirl suggested Philip a gift for his girlfriend.
Can you play the piano for me? 

Na verdade, quase qualquer verbo aceita o adjunto preposicional for. São portanto ilimitadas as possibilidades de FOR VERBS neste segundo grupo. Observe-se que mesmo os TO VERBS, além de aceitarem o objeto indireto precedido pela preposição to, também aceitam o adjunto preposicional for, porém com outro sentido.


I sent a letter to Mary.
I sent a letter for Mary.

No primeiro exemplo, Mary mora noutro lugar e eu lhe escrevi mandando notícias. No segundo exemplo, Mary escreveu uma carta para alguém, estava talvez muito ocupada para ir ao correio, e eu fui em lugar dela.

O verbo to go também freqüentemente ocorre associado às preposições to e for. Observe-se os dois grupos abaixo:

go to work
go to school
go to bed
go to church
go to town
go to court
go to pieces
go to hell
go to Porto Alegre
go to the bank, go to the office, etc. go for a walk 
go for a ride 
go for a drive 
go for a beer 
go for it 

Uma das ocorrências mais elementares da preposição to é no uso do infinitivo em inglês. Isto normalmente ocorre na estrutura VERB + to + VERB. Exemplos:

I have to go.
I like to drink beer.
Nice to meet you.
I'm not able to work.
He decided to leave.
He helped me to find my keys.
We expect to win the game.
Mesmo quando não introduzem objetos indiretos, a ocorrência das preposições to e for continua dependendo do verbo que acompanham ou da expressão idiomática em que ocorrem. Em muitos casos for corresponde a por do português. Exemplos:

Up to date
To my surprise, ...
To the best of my knowledge, ...
According to ...
Apply to a university.
He reacted well to my comments.
I object to staying up late.
I'm accustomed to working hard.
I'm not used to working on Sundays.
It's very sensitive to cold weather.
To (for) me, it sounds good.
It's interesting to me.
She was invited to a party.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
It's a hundred miles from here to Porto Alegre.
They raised his salary to $1,000.
Don't jump to conclusions. For sure!
For God's sake!
For example, ...
For this reason ...
For the first time ...
For (to) me, it sounds good.
Apply for a job.
Any letters for me?
I feel sorry for them.
He left for home.
He works for a tobacco company.
I sold my house for 40 thousand dollars.
He charged 50 dollars for the translation.
I lived abroad for 7 years.
He's very strong for an old man.
I'm looking for a job.
He received a grant for studying medicine.
I want eggs for breakfast.
I wrote a check for $100.